Monday, January 31, 2011

Are You Really Happy?

Have you ever, really asked yourself if you're happy?

There is a difference between “Being Happy With Your Life” and simply “Being Happy”...

In the former, you act as a third person who's looking at the life you're leading. Usually, the main concern is satisfaction in all aspects of your life; having a great career, a heartwarming family, friends who care and support you and the materialistic luxuries you're able to enjoy.

While in the latter, you are the centre of concern... A place deep in our hearts, where many fear to tread because they know they would face the rawest of their feelings... And these feelings reflect our naked face without the layers of masks we wear on daily.  

Often, most people think that their lives are miserable and mundane; complain about the many things they have to do, whine about their routine lifestyle and sulk about not having much more, when in fact... We are fortunate in our own way(s).

If you really think your life is miserable & mundane... Ordinary & dull... The same old routine & boring lifestyle... And feeling sorry for yourself... Think AGAIN...!

I was there once... Till one day I was in a daze and in a mellow mood that I caught the sight of the cleaners clearing dishes in the food court; and sweepers sweeping leaves off the sidewalks and grass, I take a moment to look at their life and put myself in their shoes...

Moments later, it hit me hard about myself...

Think about it, these cleaners and sweepers can’t negotiate for a better pay cheque, they are required to work long hours non-stop standing, and they do exactly the SAME thing, the SAME routine, everyday of their lives. Their jobs don't give them a pay rise, no career prospects, no promotions... And I assume it doesn't give them any sort of career satisfaction either. If you'd realize, they don't ever seem to smile... (And I can understand why...) The job's not exactly one would want unless they have no other options - But yet, there are people who have respectable and/ or high-paying jobs, and still you can hardly see them smile... Or worse, they're grouchy and unfriendly.

Being happy with your life doesn't mean you're happy at heart... but being happy will definitely put a positive light to your life!

My GrandMentor said to me once, "To Change Your Life, Change Your Perception Of Life Itself First."

He once did a very simple; yet meaningful exercise with me… It was a public place, and he asked me to choose ONE person from the crowd of people I see around me; WHO I would like to switch my life with.

We walked for some time, but I couldn't find someone I was willing to exchange my life with. I looked carefully at the people and studied every individual that passed by me & vice versa. After a few hours, it was strange that I actually felt that I would regret it if I were to switch my lives with anyone, I then started to feel that my life wasn’t so bad after all... It actually brought senses & awareness to the positive things in my life that I took for granted and made me realize my self-worth through this simple but meaningful exercise.

I came to a conclusion that regardless WHO I am, WHAT I have, or the things I’ve done, I'm a unique individual (Everyone's A Unique Individual). Since then, I’ve not complained nor whined, neither do I compare myself with anyone anymore… And I feel happier & more at peace with myself since then.

The reality of life is… There will be times when we feel life's great... Other times, when we encounter an obstacle or a setback, we feel that life sucks... But that's Life; full of UPs and downs, made up with the good & bad... And everyone will have their fair share of both the tough and enjoyable times in their lives. Ultimately, it's still our life to lead and up to us to make it a better and a happier journey for ourselves.

Just to share... One thing I always do to be happy with myself, is to always smile at my own reflection. And doing it every day indeed does wonder to the way you look and feel about yourself and your life... (You DON'T need a good reason to smile, just stand infront of the mirror, and SMILE to YOURSELF...) Try it; it may just work for you too!


Zen (Fb) said...

Good Morning,

Dear Kasandra,

it been for a while never catch up with you.

i wish that you always sweet and pretty forever also i wish that you business in selling your book got well.

also i wish you that find your happiness soon would not minds of your past when is importat is your future.

also just to let you know i already leave FB.

Keep in touch.


WP said...

After reading your book and your blog, I really like to meet up with you and get to know more about you.

Kasandra K. said...

Hi Zen,

Thank you for leaving me this message to let me know you're no longer using Facebook. I appreciate it. :)

Also, thank you for your well-wishes. I wish you all the best in your endeavours too. Take care, Zen.


Kasandra K. said...

Hi WP,

Thank you so much for your support toward "This Is My Story..." and your interest in wanting to know more about me. :)

AMDG (my Management and Representaion Firm) has strict policies on me meeting up with my Readers, Supporters and Fans in Private, thus I won't be able to meet you anywhere other than during my Events/ Activities/ Autography Sessions... However, I'm active on my Facebook Page. Should you want to communicate with me, do feel free to drop me a Private Message there...

Also, to receive my latest News & Updates, you may want to join my Mailing List at :)
